Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sorry no updates

sorry for not having updated this page in a very long time. I have done a significant amount of work, unfortunately at the moment all of the files are missplaced due to my hard drives being missplaced/malfunctioning/etc. But I do have works to show, and will get them up soon enough.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Figure Drawings

So I've started taking Figure drawing workshops. I'll be going every Wednesday. And the plus side? It's almost free, except for the fact that I have to pay for the model card.

So this was the first session for me. I'm a bit rusty, and I highly doubt that these drawings are any good.

It's almost impossible for me to draw women. I don't know why. But essentially after drawing and drawing tons of horrible man-women I've learned that the styles are definitely different than drawing men. First, women have to be drawn in broad, singular strokes. Not too sketchy. And you can't get away with drawing women with long torsoes...at least realistically. One of the sketches is proof of that.

Along with women, I can't draw hands, and I can't draw bare feet. Great.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Newspaper work part 2

Here are the rest of my stuff for the school paper. The latest one is the strictly black and white cartoon. I'm trying to get more stylized with my cartoons, and that one was my first attempt at doing something without midtones as well as a more expressive attempt at an actual cartoon.

Newspaper work

I'm an editorial cartoonist for my school newspaper, which I figured would be good for experimenting with shadows, figures, linework, etc. These were a bunch from mid-December up to two weeks ago.

New Here

So welcome to my page. I've seen other artists's works the past couple of days, and (I have to say) I was just shook up. How can I compare to the likes of them?? But I don't really get around to actually illustrating for real, and Tim, a reacquainted former classmate of mine, highly recommended that I did this.

I'm still trying to get my work together, but I am trying to improve and possibly find a certain style...either that or get it looking like some of the other works that I've seen here...like Justin Roth's or Tim's or a bunch of others. I'm still having trouble doing this stuff digitally, so I've stuck to pencil/ink and transferred them up.

My inspiration? Glen Keane, hands down. I mean, first cartoon I remember was The Rescuers Down Under, and Marahute's flying scene is probably the most memorable thing that got me hooked on Disney.

As for my works, well, I work for my school newspaper, which is where I'm definitely going to be testing out my drawing styles until I find the right one. So a lot of the work that you'll be seeing are for the papers (or not).

Enjoy, and do fire away. I'm open to criticism, after all how else do you get better?